Unique “Edward Vom Hofe, Fulton St., N.Y., Maker & Patentee Pat’d Sept. 2, 79” is marked on the drag ring and on bearing cover is marked “Pat. Jan. 23,83” of this 6/0 size model 423 Restigouche German silver and hard rubber handmade salmon reel. This 4 1/4” dia., 1 7/8” wide spool is an unusual rare, probably one of a kind model, having quick take apart features including a German silver handle wing nut, and removable dished rubber back plate that is retained by pins in slots in the rear nickeled flange and is locked in place by a spring loaded pillar plunger. The under-handle knurled drag adjusting click stop ring with arrowhead pointer and red indicator dots was made with two small flat sided lugs for the thumb and forefinger when rotating the ring. Initials “J.P.” engraved on the rim.